Aged Care Nutrition
Eat Well Nutrition has been providing quality nutrition services in residential aged care for more than 20 years in over 200 homes.
We specialise in aged care dietetics and have the industry experience and understanding to provide you with the right solutions for your facility and consumers. We deliver personalised nutrition solutions to ensure your consumers receive the best outcomes possible.
Our expert Eat Well dietitians offer a comprehensive range of nutrition and hydration services and will work alongside your team to deliver the highest quality dietetic care to your facility and aged care organisation.
We have an appreciation for the complexities of the aged care industry and the challenges faced by facilities from our hands-on experience working with numerous facilities all across Australia. Our aim is always to provide quality, cost-effective and successful nutrition and hydration management strategies with care and quality of life as our number one objective. The Aged Care Royal Commission highlighted some significant areas for industry change around food and nutrition and we are ready to help you to deliver into the new requirements, such as the Basic Daily Fee reporting.
We also specialise in working with large aged care organisations as their sole service provider for dietetics. Our expertise, skill and commitment to partnering with organisations to manage nutrition and hydration services across all their homes is a unique service offering of ours.
“We power the consumers wellness, and support aged care homes, through the provision of delicious food and creating a positive mealtime experience.”
Individual Assessments
Eat Well Nutrition are highly experienced in providing aged care facilities with individual consumer assessments. Our assessments always reflect best practice and consider the optimal outcomes for consumers, their clinical needs and their quality of life.
Menu Reviews
Our expert team will ensure that your menu reflects not only the nutritional needs of your consumers, but their personal preferences and cultural needs. We focus on optimising food quality and will identify areas for continuous improvement in catering and food provision.
Staff Education Sessions
We provide practical on-site education sessions, designed to ensure clinical and catering staff are upskilled in the provision of quality nutrition care. Topics include; general nutrition and hydration in aged care, weighing residents, texture modified diets and IDDSI, diabetes management, mealtime assistance, dining experience and many more.
Accreditation Support
Eat Well Nutrition provides residential aged care homes with full support in achieving compliance with the Aged Care Quality Standards including conducting audits, such as consumer weight audits, food and catering audits, and identifying opportunities for continuous improvement.
Catering + Food Service
Our aged care dietitians can work with your catering team to help enhance the meal and dining experience for your consumers. This includes education for staff, meal presentation, meeting meal size and nutrient recommendations, menu planning, special diets and allergies. These are just some of the areas we can collaborate with your catering team.
Nutrition Policy + Procedure
Eat Well Nutrition can provide residential aged care facilities with policy and procedure assistance to ensure that nutrition, hydration and catering processes reflect evidence based and best practice care whilst supporting the Aged Care Quality Standards.
Oral Supplement Audits
Oral nutritional supplements are often a significant cost to an aged care facility and are disliked by consumers. We can assist by undertaking an oral supplement audit which can save your facility a substantial amount of money. Our audits also focus on strategies to enhance the real food experience for your consumers so they can enjoy wholesome and tasty meals instead of the burden of oral supplements.
Telehealth + Remote Assessments
Due to the ongoing Covid-19 situation, we have diversified our care options to support our aged care homes. Remote assessment enables your facility to receive support without contractors being onsite. Remote visits are completed with the same high degree of care and consideration as our on-site visits. On-site remains our preferred method of visit however we know, at the moment, its not always possible.

Experience you can trust.
We are dietetic experts in aged care nutrition and we understand the issues, challenges and direction of the industry.
Our expertise will provide you with a nutrition and hydration service that exceeds your requirements and expectations.
We focus on promoting quality meals and nutrition by working with your catering staff to ensure that the focus is on real food and not oral supplements.